What a Great Idea!

Thoughts on using problem solving and applied creativity techniques to promote social change. I'll be offering some of my own project ideas as well.

Location: Alexandria, Virginia, United States

I'm a sociologist who has done research, taught sociology, worked as a VISTA, and done lots of writing. My goal is to write nonfiction that will encourage people to look at the world in a different, but positive, way.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Information Products and More

Well, I have a bunch of ideas for CDs or downloadable files that assemble information on topics that people care about. I'm thinking of a searchable compendium of knowledge and ideas in areas like these:

1. health and fitness.
2. Wealth building.
3. Success.
4. Applied Psychology.
5. Marketing.

Knowledge base files could also be created for areas of concern for activists and nonprofits. I know enough about some of the relevant topics to help research and write the content. What I really need is production and marketing help. I could also create a Web site to sell the products.


Social Marketing Wiki - Another one of my wild online ideas, but perhaps one that people would like. The idea is to create a site devoted to social marketing and the relevant psychology. It could extend to topics like the psychology of influence, copy writing, and neurolinguisitic programming. As a wiki, anyone with anything to contribute could add or edit entries. I think the information would be most helpful to lots of nonprofits and activist groups!


Next time I'll turn my attention to thoughts inspired by a book called Jump Start Your Business Brain. A book on selling stuff has more applications in the nonprofit world than you may think. Ditto for activism.


Finally, I remember to mention this really cool Weblog on innovation. The Innovation Tools Web site is also a good source of information on books and software that support creativity and problem solving. Check 'em out, beginnning with the blog.



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