What a Great Idea!

Thoughts on using problem solving and applied creativity techniques to promote social change. I'll be offering some of my own project ideas as well.

Location: Alexandria, Virginia, United States

I'm a sociologist who has done research, taught sociology, worked as a VISTA, and done lots of writing. My goal is to write nonfiction that will encourage people to look at the world in a different, but positive, way.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Scientific Tracts

I was thinking about religious tracts, when this obvious idea hit me. You've probably seen those little booklets that contain religious messages contained in a mix of text and cartoons. Well, why should the religious have a lock on this means of communication?

Why not use tracts to promote science, logic, reason, humanism, and other worthy things. Use simple text and cartoons to make one point. A religious tract is written to convince you that you should accept Jesus Christ as your savior. A "scientific" tract could be written to convince people that global climate change is really happening, or to convince people to do something specific about the issue.

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